Our goal is to keep you up to date and informed about the latest information regarding SB2. Our team is closely following SB2 and will bring you any updates as they become available. Here is what houses of worship should know about SB2 as it stands today:
What is SB2?
Signed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom in September, the law known as California Senate Bill 2 (SB2) would have banned private citizens, including those with concealed carry weapons permits, or CCWs, from carrying firearms in 26 types of public/sensitive places such as parks, libraries, hospitals, and houses of worship. Specifically, Penal Code section 26230 (CA PC Sec. 26230).
Where SB2 stands today
As of January 10, 2024, the “sensitive places” provisions of SB2 are temporarily blocked.
9/7/2024 – New Update: The recent ruling by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds California gun bans in some ‘sensitive’ places, but the state cannot enforce similar restrictions on Places of Worship and Faith-Based Organizations. Click here to read the full memo.
Should SB2 pass in the near future, here’s what you need to know:
Based on the current understanding of the new code provisions, if houses of worship have a sign posted on the premises authorizing CCW license holders to carry a firearm, the ability to serve as a safety/security member or volunteer is not impacted, including exercising legal CCW privileges.
California Department of Justice, Article 5, § 4440 of the California Code of Regulations specifies language that signs allowing firearms on private property must contain.
The signs required by Penal Code section 26230, subdivision (a)(22) and (26), shall contain the following language:
(1) NOTICE Lawful Concealed Carry Allowed on Property. (Pen. Code § 26230.); or
(2) NOTICE No Lawful Concealed Carry Allowed on Property without Written Permission of Owner. (Pen. Code § 26230.)
When creating the sign, the word “notice” should be centered at the top of the sign in capital letters. All text should be in block letters not less than one inch in height. The word “notice” should be white on a contrasting red background. The remaining text shall be set in black on a white background.
For an example of a sign, click here. You can also order a sign from Amazon.
-Standard operating procedures and policies remain unchanged.
-The law’s new provisions do not impact:
-FTE (full-time equivalent) security positions or contracted security
-Retired California peace officers
-Federal law enforcement officers
Off-duty and retired law enforcement are covered under LEOSA.
The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), often referred to as HR 218, allows qualified Law Enforcement officers and qualified retired law enforcement officers to concealed carry in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with some exceptions. Therefore, an individual who qualifies under LEOSA does not need a state-issued concealed carry permit in order to carry a concealed firearm in any state.
We’re here to help you navigate the challenges and changes that arise with California laws. If you have any additional questions about SB2 or house of worship security, customers can contact CCIA Security Consultant Jeff Kearnan at AskSecurity@ccia.com.
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